
Register for a JSCCA account to manage your bookings and membership details.


Non-members must still sign up for a JSCCA account in order to make bookings to events, just select the correct option when registering below. If you are interested in becoming a member and learning the benefits read our overview.

Membership details

If you are managing bookings and members for a firm please select Firm Administrator. If you’re also a member then select Member and firm administrator.

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If your firm is not listed here please contact us before registering so we can add it.

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Your details

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{{ form.errors.first('surname') }}

Professional qualifications

You must select a qualification.

Specify your other qualification.

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{{ form.errors.first('qualification_year') }}

Your professional qualification registration number.

{{ form.errors.first('qualification_registration_number') }}

Current area of business activity

You must select your current activity.

Other details

We maintain a database of qualified accountants who would be willing to assist as a Charity Treasurer or Auditor. If you would like your details to be held on this database to receive information for this purpose, please tick the following box.

Terms & conditions

By registering you agree to and confirm:

  • You are giving permission for your details to be held on the JSCCA membership database.
  • In order to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we require your consent to contact you with information we think is of relevance to you. This may include email bulletins, articles as well as networking and training events and dinner invitations. A copy of our ##Privacy Policy is available here. Please tick this box to confirm that you are happy for us to communicate with you in this way.
  • You accept that the Jersey Society of Chartered and Certified Accountants is not an approved Institute but a Society which provides a medium of communication between qualified/student accountancy professionals living on the Island of Jersey. Your Membership of the JSCCA does not entitle you to ask the JSCCA to confirm your professional qualification to a third party. If a third party is seeking such confirmation, they must contact the governing body of your professional qualification.

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By clicking Register you agree to our terms & conditions.